STATSCORE’s staff met to plan the next Program Increment

Do you know what is considered the greatest discovery in history? The wheel! It not only changed the way people were able to travel at the time, but it also represented the nature of how we organize life, which is all about circles. We still use this circular template to learn and to teach how we move forward and achieve our goals, and the business world is no different.

At STATSCORE we strongly believe in this process  – and this is why at the end of every Program Increment, we bring all members of staff to the Novotel Hotel, in the centre of Katowice. Here we can spend the whole day analysing what we were able to achieve and layout our plans for the next couple of months. This has become a tradition and on this day, we take everyone away from their everyday duties and surroundings. we place them in a conference room environment to maximize the time we have together. We do not see this day as lost production, but a responsible investment in planning and the chance to look at our potential capacity over the next few months in a professional and well-organized manner.

Read more: Get familiar with STATSCORE values!


We opened the day with a presentation from our CEO, Tomasz Myalski, who underlined the need to focus on challenging ourselves

If you compete with others, no one wants to help you. If you compete with yourself and your own limitations, everyone helps you – said Tomasz Myalski, reffering to the Ben Comen example.

The agenda of the meeting did not differ too much from the others you might have read about. We started with short summaries delivered by team leaders, who gave us their overviews of recent program Increments. We like to do this in a competitive way – with each team trying to build the most impressive presentation. This means the quality of the content and the visualizations created makes the whole process, altogether a more interesting experience for everyone.

The latter part of the day was about planning and looking at the relationship between all the programs that have been created. This is to ensure, we prioritise them in the best way and use our time effectively. Eight hours spent together on this intense analysis will save us a lot of time later when it comes to delivering the programs and their initiatives.

At the end of the day Head of HR, Magdalena Myalska, delivered a training about the stress management to help us better recognize and fight our worst enemy.

Last but not least – our CEO, Tomasz Myalski, brought us a review of the wider picture concerning the end of this term and reminded us all about the values of STATSCORE. As always some things don’t change – and we are still building the Biggest Sports Data Center in the world. And you know what? We are now a step closer to reaching our goal!

If you want to join the next staff meeting and become a part of the STATSCORE team, check the latest vacancies, as we build the biggest sports data centre in the world.