STATSCORE entered Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe

In recent years our organization has been on a path of constant growth and because of this, we have decided to enter the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 competition. This is a special awards program for the fastest growing technology companies in Central Europe. We want to place ourselves in the hands of professional auditors to evaluate our results and compare us with the most successful enterprises, emerging in the Central European market. The results will be announced on 11th October 2018. Fingers crossed!

In order to be eligible to enter the competition, a company has to have been in business for at least four years and be focused on delivering technology oriented products and solutions. On top of this, the operating revenue for 2017 has to be at least 100,000 EUR. Last but not least, the head office of the company has to be located in Central Europe.

Previous editions of the Deloitte Technology Fast 50, gathered applications from 300 companies across 11 countries. The average growth levels of these companies were a staggering, 1127%!

Not to boast, but this is not the first time we have entered the competition run by Deloitte. In 2016 STATSCORE was ranked among the top 10 fastest growing companies in Central Europe, in the Rising Stars category.


Read more: STATSCORE Back to the past – Deloitte Rising Stars 2016.

As always we are working hard and focusing on our development non stop, as we wait for the 11th October announcements, of the results and rankings. At STATSCORE we believe that the best efforts, passion and faith in our own success, will lead us to achieving our goal – to build the Biggest Sports Data Center in the world!


We are a dynamic company with vast experience in this market. Our aim is to HELP our partners achieve their goals by collecting, organizing and delivering high quality sports data, widgets and mini-sites. We have successfully tracked, captured, compiled and distributed sports data in various forms since 2013. Our data is created by using the latest technology, skills and knowledge of our highly committed employees.

If you would like to get in touch to find out more about us, or would just like to know, how we could help you to reach your business goals. please contact us at or start a chat with one of our top Customer Success Managers via the LiveChat service on our website. We are looking forward to hearing from you!