STATSCORE CEO reviews part 2

Another two-week term has passed and as always the following Monday is a great time to sum up. All teams have their eyes on the STATSCORE Scoreboard, looking for green fields. These indicate that the objectives set have been at least 70% achieved. We played a really good game and this can be easily seen in the results.

We have reached 65% of all objectives. Just to mention: two weeks ago at the same time we were at 56%. That means we have only another 5% left to reach all our targets! And I am convinced that we will achieve this in the next two weeks.

I have to address and give special congratulations to the Editors team, who made their Objective Key Result of 40%! Well done!

Another big success comes from Team A. Even with many people out due to sick leave, they managed to improve their results.

Finally, the biggest CONGRATS has to go to all teams. Mainly for introducing futsal, which is a sport with a rising profile. This is the 29th sport, for which we now gather livescores and stats for so we can present them in a unique way. We are still aiming at having 100 sports covered and thanks to your passion, dedication and the mixture of your individual skills, I have no doubt that we will celebrate a global success together. And you know what we are doing here… We are building the Biggest Sport Data Center in the world! Let the dream come true.

Read more: find out, what our CEO covered in the previous article.


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