Am I at risk of burnout?

Burning is agreeable when it comes to watching a roaring log fire on a cold winter evening, burning is desirable when it concerns calories during a workout routine, but if it’s about burning out because of work, if our quality of life is getting worse because of it, it’s a sign that something has gone wrong.


Burnout is most often defined as the result of dealing with long-term stress at work, along with a low level of satisfaction, a disturbed balance between the effort put in and the reward felt.

Cary Cherniss, an American psychologist, indicated that job burnout is „a chronic (prolonged) stress, where the requirements in the workplace exhaust and exceed the capacity of individual resources”.

In the ’80s and ’90s, burnout was mainly associated with professions that required constant contact with people (like teachers, doctors, nurses etc.) that were connected with ethics and moral competences.

Nowadays, thanks to Dr Christina Maslach, who among others, is a great authority in the field of social psychology, we know that burnout also affects other occupations.

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Many of us work really hard, many of us have an ambitious plan for ourselves.
How can we tell if burnout has already happened?


– Emotional exhaustion (with psychosomatic symptoms like fatigue and frustration)
– Depersonalization (lack of interest, impersonal treatment of others) and cynicism
– Personal accomplishment (a negative self-assessment resulting in reduced efficiency)
The structure and measurement known as MBI – Maslach Burnout Inventory, was invented by C.Maslach and S.E. Jackson.


– Work overload
– Workaholism
– Problems with concentration
– The feeling of indifference and a lack of interest in things we have always been interested in
– Becoming more conflictual
– Sense of being harmed and undervalued
– Expectations set too high


Burnout isn’t inevitable. Our emotional sphere has crucial meaning here.
We need to have an awareness of the dangers, so we can react at the right moment and are in a position to cope and not forget about the importance of balance. We need to know what’s really important and look for solutions in our mindfulness and self-awareness.

Mahatma Gandhi once gave a very inspirational message:
Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviour.
Keep your behaviour positive because your behaviour becomes your habits.
Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.


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