We share the same office, we participate in the same meetings, we eat in the same kitchen – is it enough to say that we represent the same organizational culture? STATSCORE brings some good practices for others.
When we look at some company profiles we often see the same mantra-keywords repeated as an organizational culture definition:
– partnership
– respect
– trust
– self-development
– openness
– excellence
– passion
– cooperation
– joy
– teamwork
– honesty
– open-mindedness
– responsibility
– friendly atmosphere
But do these words still have their original and traditional meanings? Is there something behind these big words? What should a company do so they are not just offering a bunch of empty words?
Whether we like it or not, all human beings have an emotional need for belongingness.
And the organizational culture concept is in line with that demand.
According to the assumptions, for a good team to run smoothly in the same direction and act effectively, they should share the same rules, values, standards and goals.
The list of values is very long, but let’s take a look at 5 of them.
Respect is not only saying „Hello” when you come into the office – it’s treating our colleagues like someone who is worthy of our attention and time. Being kind and polite in everyday interactions, even when dealing with those tougher situations.
Excellence is not just calling ourselves „specialists”, doing our job well and meeting the due date, it’s about doing it the best we can.
Teamwork is more than working 8 hours a day together. It’s also eating our lunch at the same table, going to the integration evenings and trips that have been planned, gathering in the kitchen on Pizza day, organizing sports competitions, playing table football and throwing darts during breaks, briefly – spending time together 🙂
It’s also about having an attitude of being ready to help the people we work with daily and a conviction that in difficult moments, we can count on someone at work.
Passion is not a rare feeling that only applies to artists. Simon Sinek wrote: “Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion.”
Also, self-development shouldn’t just be empty words, instead they should manifest themselves in our daily duties and help us every day to become better and better
Apart from all the obvious written and official rules and values, every company has an unofficial organizational culture – its own rituals, nicknames, metalanguage and informal spontaneous meetings. These activities also build a sense of community, very often even stronger than official policies.
Depending on the specificity of the industry, organizational cultures can be different, but one thing is always common – a company is stronger when its values are equal to its actions.
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