STATSCORE delivers incredible amounts of sports data and statistics for thousands of competitions held around the world. Our partners can take advantage of different levels of these sets of data (more or less detailed) depending on their needs. Here’s how the Event Statistics Levels work.
Sports data can be applied to specific sports events on different levels of detail. To make it clear what the exact types of information are available for specific sports, leagues, or competitions, STATSCORE has worked out four Event Statistic Levels. This allows us to be as transparent as possible about what we offer to our partners!
With thousands of events on our daily schedule, we hope that these four levels will allow you to fully understand what STATSCORE offers:
- Bronze – our lowest level. Here we focus only on the most important thing, which is the result. It is used to cover events even from low and exotic leagues.
- Silver – the second of four levels. In addition to the result, the basic statistics are also displayed. The range of statistics may vary from event to event. We do our best to provide as much data as possible!
- Gold – much more detail is shown at this level. The range of statistics is wider and, most importantly, they are guaranteed, meaning that we try to provide the same set of statistics for every event at the Gold level. In addition to this, here you will also find things like incidents and line-ups.
- VIP – the highest level in our offer. It includes everything from the Gold level but the range of statistics is wider and we are working on adding individual player statistics.
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So, when we take soccer (football) as an example, you will see that on the Bronze level you get basic information on the result, partial results, and the visualisation of the result. The Silver level delivers a much wider range of statistics, including information on corners, yellow/red cards, offsides, free kicks, number of shots, etc.
However, the Gold and VIP levels provide even more detailed data, which includes information on attacks, dangerous attacks, ball possession, blocked shots, saved penalties, and more!
We hope that this information will make it easier for you to know what to expect from STATSCORE’s products on different statistics levels!
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In-play live sports data visualizations
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