The addition of Chinese, Korean, and Greek means that STATSCORE’s LivematchPro, PrematchPro, and StatsWidgets are now available in 20 different language versions! This makes STATSCORE products even more accessible for users around the world.
STATSCORE’s sports widgets keep conquering new markets around the globe by providing superb sports data to bookmakers, media organizations, and sports competitions. One of the ways in which we make sure that our products are well-adjusted to the needs of our partners and their users is to make them available in different language versions.
This time we’ve added three new languages to our LivematchPro, PrematchPro, and StatsWidgets.
Find out more about our outstanding sports widgets!
Here the come:
- Chinese – spoken by over 1 billion people, many of whom are true sports aficionados.
What are the most popular sports in China?
By the way, did you know that soccer is called 足球 in Chinese?
- Korean – official language of South and North Korea, spoken by 80 million people.
Here’s what LMP does for baseball – South Korea’s beloved sport!
You may have heard that outfielder Shin-Soo Choo (추신수) has been considered the most successful Korean player in MLB.
- Greek – spoken by over 13 million people in Greece and Cyprus.
Let’s not forget who invented the Olympic Games!
Did you know that Episkyros (Ἐπίσκυρος), an ancient Greek ball game, is believed to be one of the ancestors of today’s soccer?
This latest extension of STATSCORE products’ language versions reflects the growing demand for advanced sports data products in East Asia and Southern Europe.
Find out more about our outstanding sports widgets!
Our widgets are currently available in the following 20 languages:
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Chinese
- Czech
- Dutch
- English
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Greek
- Italian
- Korean
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Russian
- Slovakian
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Turkish
If you can’t see your language on the list above, don’t worry, we can add it for you!
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